Saturday, August 30, 2008

back into hope

reverie, nikon d40

I've always liked the idea of writing, of being someone who writes. But this has become quite a problem for me, as I can't seem to get out of my own way. I can't seem to commit to words, ANY words. They never look quite right. They never sound quite right.

But I think I've finally discovered the root of this problem: my hopes for my writing have become expectations. Expectations that my writing must be poetic and profound. That my words must move others the way others' words have moved me.

So, I've decided to try something new, starting NOW. I've decided to abandon the possibility of being a writer in favor of allowing myself to become one. I've decided to give myself the time and space to transform my expectations back into hope.


Kirsten Michelle said...

yes! yes! yes!

this is so eloquent and inviting...
i think it's time i made a similar decision.

thank you.

Steph said...

Your writing is so beautiful! I can't wait to read more.


Amy said...

Hey Em,

We need to hear more of your words so keep them coming! I sent your stuff today, let me know when it comes. Look for a special surprise. Hope you're having a good week.
xo Amy

kelly barton art + design said...

is this you emily???